Our programs empower minority women, girls, and youth. We provide tailored leadership development resources to help clients achieve their goals.
Join to unlock your potential.
Weekly English and French Live TV Talk Shows- ( YouTube channel click here and Facebook click here)
Our lively English and French virtual talk shows tackle a wide range of relevant issues, controversial subjects and hard-hitting news topics. With an array of notable guests, LeadershipExcellenceforWomenbyWomen Talk Show offers a fresh perspective on issues ranging from domestic violence and preventing bullying among children, to health and nutrition, to divorce and alternative lifestyles, to immigration issues and strategies on realizing the American dream of buying a house in the U.S.
Inspiration Leader Show- a monthly show that showcases and honors Leaders that are making positive impact in their communities.
Workshops & development training for diaspora women, minorities women and young girls (2023 through 2027)-
Our programs provide interaction and support by gathering potential leaders in a supportive, encouraging environment, helping them with effective workshops and development training through effective techniques, tools and resources.
Our programs provide interaction and support by gathering potential leaders in a supportive, encouraging environment, helping them with effective workshops and development training through effective techniques, tools and resources.
7 women in business helped through self-funding
$5,000 giving to help women and children around the world
Working sessions with u.s. political leaders, diaspora religious and community leaders since 2000:
Working sessions with U.S. political leaders on how the diaspora could become an efficient catalyst of change in the American society (2023 through 2027).
Working sessions with diaspora religious and community leaders since 2000.
We focus on identifying, encouraging, recognizing and supporting minority women, girls, and youths with a unique talent and kids entrepreneurs that are doing business.
The program is designed around four projects:
1- OUR MINORITY YOUTH TALENTS PILOT PROJECT - Hundreds of thousands of people around the world leave their homelands and travel to other countries. Many are fleeing places of war, hunger, famine, and persecution. However, refugees and immigrants and their children, especially, are faced with many barriers once they arrive in a new country. Language Barriers, Housing, Access to Medical Services, Transportation Issues, Cultural Differences, Prejudice, and Lack of Employment Opportunities are the common challenges that refugees, and immigrants faced. Children from the minority or from the diaspora always face the challenge of how much to assimilate to American culture and how much of their native culture to keep. Though many youths from the minority have talents, they sometimes struggled to climb the highly competitive professional ladders.
We’ll put a special emphasis on minorities girls with talents specially in the STEM field. We started the pilot project in the last quarter of 2023. For the first year, we plan to enroll six youth (4 girls and two boys) between the age of 13 to 19 years old in the following categories:
Entry Level: 2 youths in the age range of 13 to 15
Advanced level: 2 youths in the age range of 15 to 16
Professional level: 2 youths in the age range of 18 to 19
By addressing the challenges encountered by minority youth in the United States and globally, we can significantly enhance the endeavors of government organizations and non-profit entities dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for minority youth with untapped potential and similar demographics.
2- OUR CAREER, MENTORSHIP, LEADERSHIP, AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COACHING PROJECT - we offer interaction and support to emerging leaders within a nurturing environment, aiding them in effective career development, mentorship, leadership, and business coaching utilizing proficient techniques, tools, and resources. By means of self-funding, LEWW have assisted 10 minority women and youths with a sum of $10,000 to either launch or expand a small business for sustainable self-sufficiency.
Additionally, since 2000, LEWW have curated a collection of bilingual French/English online broadcast interviews focusing on HR topics. These interviews aim to enhance women's competitiveness in the contemporary marketplace. The interviewees have ranged from UN Regional Managers in the Middle East to Executive Directors, Business Executives, Lawyers, Realtors, and more.
Our "Inspiration Leader” Show- is a monthly program designed to highlight and celebrate leaders who are effecting positive change within their communities.
3-OUR IMAGE CONSULTATION AND COACHING- LEWW offers guidance to both individual and corporate clients concerning their appearance, conduct, and communication aptitude. Our advisory services are tailored to assist clients in attaining their objectives, be it securing a new position, leaving a lasting impression, or enhancing self-confidence. We specialize in enhancing clients' overall image, refining specific elements of their physical presentation (such as wardrobe, color selection, hairstyle, etc.), and refining their verbal and nonverbal communication skills.
4- OUR KIDS ENTREPRENEURS LEADERSHIP PROJECT- Launched in 2020, this sub-project is designed for minority children who exhibit a keen interest in entrepreneurship or are aspiring to venture into business. Collaborating with award-winning content creators and influencers, we aim to establish and expand a community of young entrepreneurs through various media platforms such as television, radio, podcasts, and social media.
This project aims to provide comprehensive, integrated services to empower women emerging from incarceration to achieve safe, healthy, and fulfilling lives in the community, for themselves and their children.
LEWW’s goal is to:
Provide reusable period underwears to 100 incarcerated minority women and young girls with underlyning health conditions in prisons
Provide ways to support incarcerated minority women and young girls in prison by:
Becoming a pen pal. ...
Amplifying their voices and experiences behind bars. ...
Sending books. ...
Sending in news from the outside world. ...
Participating in a call-in campaign. ...
Keeping track of proposed policies and laws in your area. ...
Raising awareness about the issues!
OUR PROJECT HOPE FOR MINORITY WOMEN AND GIRLS SUBJECTED TO SEXUAL EXPLOITATION BY VIOLENT TRAFFICKERS IN THE U.S.A. AND WORLDWIDE - Recognizing that most victims of human trafficking are women and girls, LeadershipExcellenceforWomenbyWomen is committed to ending violence against women and girls across the United States and accross the globe who are subjected to sexual exploitation by violent traffickers.
“Nothing happens just because we are aware of modern-day slavery - but nothing will EVER happen until we are. “Gary Haugen, CEO and founder of International Justice Mission
We believe that the prevention of trafficking and the rescue and long-term restoration of victims all begins with awareness. Our goal is to educate communities on the truth of what trafficking is, what it looks like in their community, and their role in the long-term safety and restoration of survivors.
Because trafficking can happen in ANY community, it is vital that ALL communities be equipped with this basic knowledge.
LEWW raise awareness through:
Talk Shows
Speaking events
Collaborating with similar organizations in the DFW area and worldwide.